Rehoboth Care Homes

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Rehoboth Care Homes

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At Rehoboth Care Homes, We focus on Better Living for your Loved Ones.

We provide a whole range of services and assistance that improve health and quality of life for elderly and seniors. Our Staff on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to help ensure continuity.


High Quality care

We provide 24-hours, 7 days a week quality care for the elderly and seniors including medication, meals, recreation, and many more


Comfortable Home Environment

Our rooms are well furnished with several facilities in the home for seniors.


Professional staff

We have dedicated Professionals and Experienced staff providing the most timely & efficient services possible.


Spacious and Beautiful Backyard

We have a spacious and beautiful backyard for your comfort and relaxation




Click one of our contacts below to get help on WhatsApp
